5 ways a new website will help your service-based business grow

At some point, you might have asked yourself, “do I even need a website for my business?”.

As a service-based business, a lot of your clients likely come through referrals or social media. It might feel like a website refresh is unnecessary.

When you first started your business, your website wasn’t the most important thing. You needed to develop your services and offers, create packages that people want to buy, and get to know your audience.

And now, you’re clear on what you offer and how it gets results. You’ve worked with some clients and have a process in place. You probably have a website, one you DIY’d so at least something shows up when people Google you.

So, how can a new, updated website help your business continue to grow?

How a new website helps your business grow

Your website can help your business grow, reach more people, and even save you time!

1. A well designed website positions you as an expert

A website, especially one that is professional and up to date, will help build trust and credibility within your industry. It shows that you’re committed and reliable as a business. It’s the perfect place to showcase your client testimonials, achievements, and accolades which build your credibility and make it easier for someone to say yes to working with you. A website shows that you’ve invested time, money, and energy to create an online home for your business.  

2. Your website is the hub for all of your content

All of the content you’ve created for Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, YouTube, and your podcast needs a permanent place to live on your website. As you share content on social media, you can link to your website and allow your potential clients to explore further and get to know your business. If you plan to create a course in the future or have a client portal, this can all be linked from your website as well.

3. Professionally show off your services & packages

At the end of the day, your business doesn’t exist if you aren’t selling your services. Your website gives you a space to show how you help people and how they can hire you. Making it super clear exactly what you’re selling and what someone is getting when they buy from you is so important. Your website helps guide your people to the offer that best fits them.

4. Your website saves you time

Your website can answer questions for your potential clients and keep you from wasting time going back and forth with someone who isn’t ready to buy from you. You can set up your scheduler to allow clients to book directly from your site, saving time sending emails and invoices. Your website should work seamlessly with your business systems and allow you to automate where you can to save your energy for serving clients and growing your business.

5. People have somewhere to refer their friends

Imagine a conversation with a friend who is describing a problem she’s having. She’s struggling with a relationship issue and she’s at the end of her rope. She’s done all she can on her own and is desperately searching for professional help. You have just the right person in mind you want to refer! You send her to the website of the amazing relationship coach you have in mind. She reads through her blog, binges her videos, and by the time she reaches out to hire her, she feels like she already knows and trusts her.

Having all of your content and services in one easy-to-find place makes it a million times easier for those referrals to find everything and get to know you. The goal is to make it super easy for your potential client. No distracting Instagram notifications or bouncing between different platforms to find your content.


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5 ways a website will help your business grow
5 ways a website will help your business grow

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